
As the web and virtual space become more popular, the issue of privacy has become more and more important. When you enter a website, you will enter some of your personal information such as national code, phone number, zip code, etc. And if the site in question does not undertake to protect your personal information, it can cause you various problems.

Therefore, before you enter your information on any site, first visit the privacy page of that site and check the commitments it has made to its users. In this article, we want to examine how Kara Kimya deals with the personal information of its users. Stay with us.


Information Protection and Privacy Policy at Kara Kimya

Kara Kimya is a product-oriented website, but it is not considered an online store in the sense that it has become common today. The reason for this is that buying and selling products in Kara Kimya is done over the phone and no money is transferred through the site and online banking payment gateways. As a result, most of the information that is provided to website administrators in an online store does not apply to Kara Kimya. And the general information that we receive from our customers is only for some information purposes and will not be given to any other institution or organization.


Access Limitations to Information

Kara Kimya also restricts access to users’ personal information and does not provide it to its employees. In this way, users are also comfortable because their privacy will be preserved on the site. We keep all your information in protected and safe infrastructures and promise that we will not share such information with any institution or organization. It is obvious that in case of a problem in this regard, Kara Kimya will be responsible!